Top Tunes To Blog About 2
First up for this post is up-and-coming pop muffin Sky Ferreira. The media conglomerate that is BBC Radio 1 briefly placed this song on it's playlist and gave the tune a few undeserved and rather meagre airings. It is mindboggling how Ms Ferreira, the little electro-pop siren that she is, has failed to show up on the new music radar. Sky Ferreira is young and vivacious, whilst possessing a coveted classiness which puts greater emphasis on her music. Her debut single "One" is instantaneously catchy and comes across as the boisterous cousin of Diana Vickers' "Once". Oozing tonnes of modernistic pop; it's a plethora of electro-fuelled beats, haphazard bleats and variant tempo squeals, sounding rather akin to a stunt-happy dolphin. This track is fresh sounding and determined. Sky has an intonation in her vocals that enforces the point that this is "her" song and her "direction". Despite the tune detailing the sadder sides to a relationship, the song and Sky herself come across as strong and confident.
Sky Ferreira is bestcompared to a puzzled and fragmented jigsaw of different artists along the lines of La Roux, Gabriella Cilmi, Pixie Lott, Marina and the Diamonds, showing clearly how she has snuggled into the current niche of young, edgy female singers currently dominating the charts. The music video for "One" is simplistic, if even a little sparse in places, but retains the focus, as mentioned, on the song itself. Strongly reminiscent of a "Next" clothing advert or an advert for an ex-soapstar-turned-fitness-experts' exercise video set, Sky's natural and boho-orientated beauty compliments the general lack of visual art, helping it stick together neatly like an industrial adhesive. Either way "One" should propel Ms Ferreira neatly into the charts and onto further deserved success. View the video below and give the girl some love by visiting her Facebook/Myspace/Twitter pages.
Placed on the table is "Give Me Your Love". A mid tempo-ed galloping piano laced tune that hits that nail very much on the head. Guitar twinging, dramatic yet raw, skeletal drumming and an infectious chorus that sprinkles electro-pop in a sugary layer down to the core of your sound-based senses and a stomping background beat mixes together into an ultimately creative work of genius. The song perfectly progresses from a slower and mild pop track into a heavier anthemic piece of indie excellence. There is a gritty uniqueness to Florrie and she really does appear to stand individual to an extent, making it difficult to associate her with other artists. If you blended the lofty sounds of I Blame Coco, the sparkly nature of Goldfrapp, the grace of Ellie Goulding and the gentle electro expertise of Annie, then Florrie would be the lovely end result And Florrie deserves all the credit. Give it time, and it won't be long before NME or BBC Radio 1 start attacking our blubbery whale bodies with Florrie tipped harpoons. So to remedy that, start listening to this UK protege and take note.
Check out the video for the song "Give Me Your Love" and as is customary, show the Bristol lass some love and check out her Facebook/Myspace/Twitter/Home websites too.
Last up is the relatively unknown Mark Huculak. This dynamic music maestro has kept an extremely low profile on the internet. His internet pages and related youtube/facebook accounts are a little sparse and suitably reflect Huculak's position within the music industry. However it is surprising that Huculak is not recognised on the music scene more and up there with the likes of Jason Mraz, Darren Hayes or Paolo Nutini. This guy is a master of words and pinpoints each one with such targeted precision. Mark Huculak comes from Alberta, Canada, and grew up with heavy influences in jazz and music/drama production, which is clear to all who listen to his songs. Huculak has been a musician for some 5 years, only recently starting work with producer Jeff Dawson (most famed for penning Daniel Powter's "Bad Day"). With respected writers and music producers behind him I am baffled as to why this guy is virtually still a blip, a small miscalculation, in the new music radar. The battleship is clearly way too much off course for anyone's liking. Either way, Huculak has a spark that could well lead to an explosion of media giants clammouring around biting off anything they can chew off of his wholesome Canadian carcass.
Promotion for Huculak's latest song "Malkolm" has been in full force, with fashion retailer H&M using his single on their playlists in all UK stores. Now for a multinational company, to unearth this minnow of a Canadian singer/songwriter is rather special indeed. Either way this song is superb. Huculak has kept his raspy and masculine North-American inked vocals and side-shifted into the hub that is charming electro-pop. The word "electro" should not put you off though if you think this Canadian crooner should wallow in the lighter world of folky-based mud swamps. The shift is good, very good. The crude beats and hollow din of the synthing may deter at first but they quickly draw you in when the steady clapping of the song coupled with Mark's vocal abilities truly starts to work in synergy. The song is airy, with few layers, think of the simplicity of The Ting Tings "Great DJ" and you get the idea.
The song timidly knocks on your front door and you kindly welcome it in; that's the theory anyway. But in all seriousness, this song is brilliant and deserves a slab of recognition for the best part. These types of songs; by those undiscovered artists who bubble about in the shadow of mass music, are what drives the industry and creativity in general. "Malkolm" is a decent electro-pop thoroughfare which you should embrace with your dear hearts. Listen to the song first on Mark Huculak's Myspace with the first link provided below, then if you love this snippet of vibrant ingenuity then download it via the second link for FREE. Do it nurse. Now. STAT!
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