Indie-pop protagonist Alfie Templeman is an exciting emerging talent from Carlton, Bedfordshire who has already garnered support from Annie Mac and NME. Splashing a multitude of genres into a polychromatic auditory orgasm is what Templeman does best; soul-funk sweat permeates across indie foundations and shimmered pop interplay to produce phenomenal synth bops. Previous jaunts "Obvious Guy" and "Happiness In Liquid Form" showcase a solo artist who is not afraid to explore.

Latest release "Forever Isn't Long Enough" is a quintessential ode to the melancholic nervousness faced at the passing of time, whereby Templeman's emotional integrity details the vulnerability of us as people. He states "I'm still way too young to give anyone life advice, but this track to me is about how I've noticed that the further away you are from your memories, the closer they are to your heart". That humble introspection and cute honesty is tantamount to your perception and comprehension of his latest offering.

Starting off with evaporating grooves and delicately laced drum beats "Forever Isn't Long Enough" stumbles with wanderlust and trepidation into a psychedelic backdrop where tunnelled synthesising gives way to Templeman's honeyed vocal cooes to paint a variegated pop masterpiece. Constructed with fluctuating energy each chorus is a fluid traverse of genre amalgams and instrument application that pivots loosely around your senses. Experimental, fun and yet lyrically astute with delivery, this track highlights the genius of Templeman as a musician perfectly.

Check out the music video for "Forever Isn't Long Enough" below then be sure to share, download, repost and retweet.

Alfie Templeman: Facebook

Owl By Night: Facebook / Twitter


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