Roxen is a popular female solo artist from Romania who gained public attention thanks in part to her participation at the cancelled 2020 Eurovision Song Contest. Hotly tipped as one of the favourites to win the contest with her beautifully orchestrated and humbling "Alcohol You", the singer has been not been deterred having released a salvo of polished pop gems.

Though unknown in the UK, Roxen has an undeniable resemblance to Dua Lipa or Billie Eilish, yet she manages to create dexterous songs that mark her out as a formidable individual in her own right. "Escape" is a beleaguered cry of raw emotion detailing the want and desire to break free of a particular situation or occurrence. In this case, and quite aptly, the ensuing lockdown and adaptation to a "new normal" perfectly encapsulates the sentiments of the listener and makes "Escape" all the more relatable and stark.

From the very beginning sweltered guitar keys intermittently jostle with a crowd of sounds as discreet bleeps, techno synth wobbles and airy expanses eventually give way to a piano laden choral avalanche of stabbing beats; Roxen's breathy yet panged vocals ardently mooch across the soundboard of "Escape" to bring contrasting tempo elements and a melange of Euro-dance meets raucous pop rebellion. The track in its entirety is a pugnacious two fingers to entrapment, both physical and mental and any feelings that assimilate as a result. 2020 can do one, Roxen, you can definitely stay.

Check out the music video for "Escape" below then be sure to share, download, repost and retweet. 

Roxen: Facebook

Owl By Night: Facebook / Twitter


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